Native Education

Longhouse Rentals

The NEC longhouse can be rented for your next community event or workshop. You are more than welcome to rent and be a host at our longhouse. Complete this inquiry form with information about your event and NEC will follow up with you to provide a quote for event.


The NEC's longhouse was built in 1985 with the design concept based on West Coast philosophy that encompasses traditional values. The totem pole was carved by the well-known Northwest Coast Carver, Norman Tait. Community member gathered at the pole raising ceremony, which signifies the house of learning for Indigenous learners.


Fireside Lounge and Level 1 Classrooms are available for rentals.


Rentals can occur between the hours of 8am –10pm, 7 days per week. Rental requests between 8 am – 4 pm on weekdays are at NEC discretion to approve, based on business operational continuity.

Food catered only

There are no kitchen facilities available. Please note: alcohol and drugs are not permitted on the property.
Rental ratesRate ½ day (3 hours)Rent 1 day (7hours)Subsequent hours
Classroom capacity max 25$600 
Fireside lounge$800 $1600$200
Admin fee (cleaning, security)$125 $175$26


Community partnerships- Every second Thursday of the month 4 pm- 7 pm

Rentals – FREE
Admin fee (cleaning and security) $25/hour
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case bases, the approval will be at the discretion of NEC
The use of space for approved community partnership events is subject to the rules stated in the Rental Agreement


Equipment rental rates/event (regardless of the # hours)

Projector and Screen $ 100
WIFI $ 75
Speakers $ 50
Lectern $ 50
Microphone $ 50
Land acknowledgement and welcome to Territory ceremony $ 250

Community Partnership Rentals

Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, NEC will allow rentals between 4:00pm-9:00 pm at a community rate for Indigenous, not for profit organizations.